Spinach, Cheese and Honey Crisp Sandwich

I was revisiting the photos from Spain and stumbled upon this tasty snack I made in Valencia. I believe it was our last day there and we had just a few things left in the fridge; cheese, spinach and scallion were among them. We always had a fresh baguette and fruit of some sort. And the honey crisp apples were a spectacular find!

They all went quite nicely together, I have to say. The sweetness from the apple cut through the spice of the scallion. This would be great as a pressed sandwich, allowing the bread to get a bit crispy and the cheese to melt. Like a panini.

I hope you will give this one a try icon smile Spinach, Cheese and Honey Crisp Sandwich

pixel Spinach, Cheese and Honey Crisp Sandwich

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