Tag Archives: fall

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Everything but the Kitchen Sink

Some Most nights, I don’t really have a well thought out plan of what to cook for dinner. Sometimes I just kind of stand there and stare into the refrigerator and the cabinet, pondering the possibilities. For those who are trying to cook more and eat healthier I generally recommend planning weekly dinners; this way you can do […]

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Black Bean Polenta Bowl

Polenta is simply ground corn which can be cooked in a number of ways. Boiling dry polenta gives you a delicious and creamy porridge - aka, grits. (For more on grits, check out my post on Shrimp and Grits, with a little history of my beloved corn buds). Likewise, polenta is also sold precooked, refrigerated […]

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Curry Butternut Squash Soup

Ah squash. Who doesn’t love squash? It’s such a creamy and comforting food, packed with nutrition. Seasonally, it’s a fall/winter crop and clearly, it was created to fill our bellies and warm our hearts during the blistering cold months of winter. Winter is coming, so stock up on squash and experiment in the kitchen. As […]

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Sweetpotato Tempeh Chili {Recipe Redux}

I received free samples of California sweetpotatoes mentioned in this post. By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by the California Sweetpotato Council and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my time. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ok, so my last post was also about these cool, […]

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Stuffed Sweetpotato Skins {Recipe Redux}

I received free samples of California Sweetpotatoes mentioned in this post. By posting this recipe I am entering a recipe contest sponsored by the California Sweetpotato Council and am eligible to win prizes associated with the contest. I was not compensated for my time. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ You read it - Sweetpotato. One word. Why? Because they are […]

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Orange Beet Salad

The Fresh Beet is long overdue for another beet recipe. More beets please! I love how beets let you know exactly where they’ve been… Don’t like beets? Please try them this way before casting them aside for good. The oranges really bring out the sweetness of the beets here, and the goat cheese adds a […]

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Pumpkin Quinoa Muffins

I still can’t believe Summer ended Saturday. 2013 is going by way too fast. After my 3 month escapade earlier this year to Europe and South America and my 4 month job search, 2013 is leaving me feeling blessed and unsettled at the same time. Like many others, I’m on the search for a job […]

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Garlic Ginger Mustard Greens

Looking for a new green to spice up your life? Try adding mustard greens to your dinner this weekend. Nibble on a piece of this stuff raw and you’ll see why they’re called mustard greens. They’re a little spicy on their own, but the addition of garlic and ginger kicks up the spice factor a […]

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Spiced Cider and a Walk Down Memory Lane

Thanksgiving is by far one of my favorite holidays. It’s wonderful to come home and visit with family and old friends. My mom seems to always dig up something from my childhood, and this year, it was a children’s cookbook she gave me for my 6th birthday: #nostalgia I completely forgot about this! It was fun reading […]

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Autumn Roasted Brussels and Apples

Although available year round, brussels and apples are seasonally considered fall specific foods. This simple recipe allowed me to introduce them to each other, and I think it’s safe to say that they will now be friends to the end. Just toss together equal parts of halved brussel sprouts and chopped apples with enough olive […]

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