Tag Archives: blueberries

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Pumpkin Quinoa Muffins

I still can’t believe Summer ended Saturday. 2013 is going by way too fast. After my 3 month escapade earlier this year to Europe and South America and my 4 month job search, 2013 is leaving me feeling blessed and unsettled at the same time. Like many others, I’m on the search for a job […]

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Apple Blueberry Crisp

My Dad’s fruit trees are doing a little better this year, and especially one apple variety in particular. He’s got so many apples on this one tree he doesn’t know what to do with them all. He and my mom have been making great apple crisps, so I took some off his hands and did […]

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Maple Blueberry Fig Quinoa

A perfect alternative to oatmeal in the morning, quinoa covered with fruit, sprinkled with nuts and drizzled with pure maple syrup really starts my day off nicely. Simple. Delicious. Quick. Nutritious. This bowl is packed with an outstanding mix of protein, fiber and carbohydrates for a sustained energy level. The pure maple syrup and dried […]

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{Recipe Redux} Nut Butter and Fruit Sandwich

After months of traveling, I am finally back on track with participating in the Recipe Redux monthly theme posts, and oddly enough this month’s topic is: Have Snacks. Will Travel. My number one travel snack is peanut butter and jelly - or better yet - peanut butter with REAL fruit. Using bananas is always a […]

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