Tag Archives: dried fruit

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Cocoa Dusted Fig Bites

Fig season is coming up! So while I wait for the fresh ones, I must enjoy the dried. And no better way than mixing them up with walnuts and cocoa powder. These little fig bites are nature’s candy. They are great as a little pick me up or pre-workout snack. Just another way to enjoy those […]

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Add Your Leftover Juicing Pulp into a Bread Recipe

It feels good to juice again! A nice glass of fresh carrot or beet juice always makes my day a little more special. This time I used the leftover pulp in place of the zucchini in a bread recipe I came across. In my opinion, it’s one of the healthier breads I’ve seen. Whole wheat […]

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Banana Cherry Oatmeal and a Suspected Oatmeal Thief

First morning back home from our little vacay in Kiawah and I couldn’t wait to have my morning oatmeal! Today it’s bananas, dried cherries, pepitas and almonds. Mashing up a banana into oatmeal adds sweetness without having to use other sweeteners. Fruit is nature’s sugar - take advantage of it. My friend Riley here would […]

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