Tag Archives: chocolate

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Dark Chocolate Bark

Chocolate. It’s what’s for dinner. I wish. But here’s a great idea for making your own chocolate bark at home for dessert or for a little pick me up. All you need is chocolate, fruit, nuts, pretzels or anything else you might like in your bark. And one healthy tip…go for the dark stuff: At […]

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Frozen Peanut Butter Cups {Recipe Redux}

Peanut butter and chocolate anyone? This no-cook dessert will satisfy your sweet tooth in healthier way. It’s like eating a Reese’s Cup without all the added preservatives. Because I didn’t use any saturated oils, these PB cups hold together better if kept frozen. Plus, it’s a nice little treat to end the hot summer just […]

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Chocolate Truffles and a Dinner Party

Last night I had the opportunity to create my own spread for 13 people. George and Colleen had some friends over for drinks and dinner, and gave me free reign to tear up their (once) beautiful kitchen. Not to worry, the kitchen is making its way back to some sense of order - slowly, but […]

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Simple Homemade Fro Yo

Frozen yogurt is a nice treat, especially here in central Florida where it’s HOT and humid this time of year. It’s so easy to make, I don’t know why I haven’t done it before! I just used what I had on hand: organic Greek yogurt, banana, peanut butter, honey and dark chocolate. The Greek yogurt and peanut butter adds […]

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