Tag Archives: beets

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Orange Beet Salad

The Fresh Beet is long overdue for another beet recipe. More beets please! I love how beets let you know exactly where they’ve been… Don’t like beets? Please try them this way before casting them aside for good. The oranges really bring out the sweetness of the beets here, and the goat cheese adds a […]

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Rice with Beets, Cauliflower and Cilantro

So sorry for the horrible blurry photo - I took it on a bumpy bus ride. I made this rice dish to take with us on our 16 hour bus ride from Bariloche to Mendoza. We never know if the bus will provide us with food during these long trips so we’ve been taking our […]

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My Juicy Sunday

I spent the weekend with my brother and sister in-law (Charles and Lindsay), and finally got the chance to juice my own fruit and veg! I was super excited. Buying these fresh juices at farmers markets and Whole Foods is a nice treat, but it’s so fun to DIY too. If, of course, you already have […]

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Roasted Beets over Arugula

With my last 2 garden fresh beets I brought back from Michigan, I decided to roast them. I typically boil beets - it’s quick, easy and they taste great. However, roasting them with a little olive oil, salt and pepper offers a deeper sweetness and a slightly firm and crisp exterior. For about 350 calories, this […]

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