Tag Archives: peppers

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Olive & Pepper Quinoa

Peru - home of the Quinoa. And how I’ve missed thee. After spending months in Spain, Argentina and Chile, where quinoa is non-existent, I was quite ecstatic to stumble upon its abundance in the local market of Arequipa (our first stop). It’s so cheap here too! For less than a dollar I was able to […]

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Poor Man’s Delicious Lentils, Veggies and Plantains

We made lunch at home to save a little money. Produce is very cheap here and there is no option for conventionally grown vs organically grown. Why? Because most of it is not Organic. And although there are very few organic farms here in Spain, the movement is definitely rising. More on that later… In any event, little […]

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My Limited-Ingredient, Vegetarian Take on Tapas: Caramelized Onion, Arugula and Pesto

In our efforts to save some money we decided to cook at home a couple nights. This time, it was my version of tapas with a vegetarian twist. Tapas in Spain are generally made with some kind of meat and cheese placed on sliced baguette. Other tapas may be various types of marinated olives, small […]

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U.S. Breakfast in Barcelona

Because we REALLY needed it. [David and I have finally begun our exciting travel adventure to Spain and South America. We are currently in Spain. Check out our blog and some awesome pictures @ Travel Gringo] Breakfast in Spain is nothing more than café con leche y un croissant; or coffee with milk and a […]

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