Tag Archives: asparagus

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Coconut-Chimichurri Orzo & Quinoa

Do you ever start cooking dinner and then realize you have a little bit of this grain left, a little bit of that pasta, some leftover sauce in the fridge…? I did a few nights ago so I threw them altogether and added a few things to make it more of a meal. The result… […]

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Asparagus and Swiss Chard Orzo

Right now I’m visiting Canada with my boyfriend and his family. And I’m loving every minute of it. Well, with the exception of the couple seconds spent smacking my head on the ice during a ski sesh. And falling oddly on my thumb, giving it free reign to bend in ways that it should not. […]

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Risotto with Peas and Parm

Made with an Italian short grain rice known as Arborio, risotto is a nice change from other grains. It’s high starch content creates a creamy consistency when cooked while slowly adding stock. Unfortunately, arborio rice lacks any kind of noteworthy nutrition. But hey, it tastes great, it fills the hungry belly and it makes people happy. […]

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Farro Likes to Party

With other vegetables, that is. This time, my farro meshed quite well with some asparagus, mushrooms and peas. It also enjoyed being surrounded by a scarf of raw mustard greens, and being lightly sprinkled with some freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano. Interesting tid-bits about this dish: Mustard greens paired with peas create a complete protein (didn’t learn that […]

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