{Recipe Redux} Nut Butter and Fruit Sandwich

DSC05115 1024x680 {Recipe Redux} Nut Butter and Fruit Sandwich

After months of traveling, I am finally back on track with participating in the Recipe Redux monthly theme posts, and oddly enough this month’s topic is: Have Snacks. Will Travel.

My number one travel snack is peanut butter and jelly - or better yet - peanut butter with REAL fruit.

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Using bananas is always a classic take on this sammy, but I like to experiment and use what is in season. And nothing could be more in season than blueberries at the moment. They pop and squirt in your mouth! A lot more action than plain ole jelly can claim.

Just the other day I went blueberry picking at a local farm and returned home with TONS of blueberries. Just $2.50 a pound! Colleen and I returned home with 2 - 7 gallon buckets. We gave some away and Colleen made 2 fantastic blueberry crumbles. The rest are frozen and ready to eat in no time.

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Get creative and use different nut butters with different fruits. Sunbutter with thinly sliced peaches. Almond butter with strawberries.

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This healthy travel snack packs nicely into a sandwich bag and doesn’t need refrigeration.

Check out some of the other Travel Snack recipes from our wonderful bloggers at Recipe Redux…


An InLinkz Link-up

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8 Responses to “{Recipe Redux} Nut Butter and Fruit Sandwich”

  1. Deanna Segrave-Daly
    July 21, 2023 at 9:43 pm #

    Welcome back to ReDux - good to have you back on board. I adore PB&J and PB&Banana so why have I never thought to use other fresh fruit as well? Totally going to make this tomorrow before my flight - have all the ingredients on hand!

    • Ashley M Galloway
      July 24, 2023 at 12:10 pm #

      Thanks for the welcome back! I hope the fruit sammie did you well on your flight!

  2. Mary @BrightonYourHealth
    July 21, 2023 at 11:20 pm #

    This is a great idea! We get great blueberries here in NJ-grown in Hammonton, about 20 minutes from where we are in the summer. I love the PB & J idea to travel with (doesn’t spoil and my 4 kids will eat these sandwiches), but i love even more your idea on the blueberries in place of jelly. Fantastic!

  3. Serena
    July 22, 2023 at 8:15 am #

    So glad to have you back to ReDux! And my kids would adore this sammie! We have lots of fresh blackberries from our neighbor…perfect in a sandwich!

    • Ashley M Galloway
      July 24, 2023 at 12:04 pm #

      It’s great to be back! Blackberries sound just as good - glad to hear that your little ones are eating berries!

  4. Liz - Meal Makeover Mom
    July 24, 2023 at 2:17 pm #

    I love the use of real fruit with this PB sandwich. So creative! I’d love some dried fruit in there too :) Options seem endless…

    • Ashley M Galloway
      July 24, 2023 at 2:52 pm #

      Dried fruit sounds great too. A lot less messy :)

  5. Kristina @ Love & Zest
    July 25, 2023 at 9:08 am #

    Fresh blueberry pickin’ sounds so fun! I’ve always wanted to do that.

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