{Cheap&Complete} Curry Cauliflower and Sesame Cilantro Rice

2013 03 23 14.49.43 1024x764 {Cheap&Complete} Curry Cauliflower and Sesame Cilantro Rice

How the time flies! Since my arrival in Argentina, I’ve found it quite difficult to maintain TheFreshBeet. Bouncing from hostel to hostel, taking 12+ hour long bus rides to new cities and exploring the beauty of which Patagonia has to offer has taken up all my time. My only complaint is that I can’t always cook!

2013 03 23 14.45.35 1024x764 {Cheap&Complete} Curry Cauliflower and Sesame Cilantro Rice

Most of the markets here have limited produce and foods in general. No more quinoa, soy milk, broccoli and tofu. I’m really missing Earth Fare and Trader Joe’s!

I”ve decided that for the remainder of this trip, I’ll dedicate my recipe postings under the topic of Cheap & Complete: quick meals for the traveler on the go that are (you guessed it) cheap and nutritionally complete. Here goes…

Stay tuned for some more cheap and complete travel meals!

pixel {Cheap&Complete} Curry Cauliflower and Sesame Cilantro Rice

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