Cauliflower for Cancer Prevention

2012 09 10+19.53.25 Cauliflower for Cancer Prevention

It may not be the most beautiful vegetable you have set your eyes on, but cauliflower has a lot of great things going for itself. 1 cooked cup of these white florets nourishes your body with over 100% of your daily need for vitamin C. Also, as part of the cruciferous vegetable family (along with broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, brussel sprouts, kale), cauliflower contains a compound known as sulforaphane, an extensively studied compound found to prevent certain cancers by either suppressing tumor growth or even halt the developmental process altogether. Researchers at the Linus Pauling Institute have found an additional mechanism by which this crazy cruciferous family may prevent cancer development. Read on if your heart so desires.

Because of it’s subtle flavor and colorless appearance, cauliflower is a big hit with mom’s trying to get their kids to eat veggies. When pureed, it can secretly be thrown into mashed potatoes, muffins and pancakes, or anything else you can think of for that matter. And even though I sometimes enjoy a simply seasoned cauliflower puree, I also enjoy a nice bite out of the whole vegetables itself.
2012 09 10+19.53.46 Cauliflower for Cancer Prevention
2012 09 10+19.53.15 Cauliflower for Cancer Prevention
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