Black Bean Tempeh Bowls with Sauteed Greens & Seared Tomatoes


I love tempeh and I’m always looking for great ways to use it. Tempeh is simply fermented soy beans. It is high in biologically available protein and is a great source of fiber. Because the beans have been fermented, they are full of healthy bacteria that our intestines need to stay healthy.

The greens in this dish were lightly sauteed with some garlic and soy sauce. I used a mix of kale, mustard greens and spinach. Delicious!


Searing tomatoes on the stove brings out their natural sweetness. I urge you to try it out this summer. Afterall, tomato season is quickly approaching! What will you do with all the tomatoes??


I also added a little drizzle of my homemade chimichurri. I’m a bit obsessed with this green sauce as of recently. It goes on anything and is so healthy and delicious.

How do you like your Tempeh?

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2 Responses to “Black Bean Tempeh Bowls with Sauteed Greens & Seared Tomatoes”

  1. Amy
    July 13, 2023 at 9:24 am #

    Just discovered your site through Barry’s Tempeh Facebook page: your stuff is great! This recipe in particular looks terrific! Looking forward to keeping up on your foodie adventures! Thanks for the inspiration.

    • Ashley M Galloway
      July 16, 2023 at 3:23 pm #

      Glad you like it, Amy! Thanks for reaching out!

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