Crock Pot Olive Oil Herb Bread {Recipe Redux}


You can bake bread in a crock pot?! You betchya.

Little did I know (until this month’s Recipe Redux theme was announced), that crock pot of yours can make all sorts of things - no-casserole style. So toss those cans of “cream of whatever” and get to experimenting with healthier ways to use your c-pot. Try making your own yogurt, cooking up some overnight oatmeal for the morning or baking your favorite bread. Cooking Light has 150 great ideas and recipes to use your crock pot in creatively healthier ways.




Check out some more No-Casserole Crock Pot Recipes from the creative dietitians of The Recipe Redux!

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3 Responses to “Crock Pot Olive Oil Herb Bread {Recipe Redux}”

  1. Elana @ The Inventive Vegetarian
    October 22, 2023 at 6:13 pm #

    I’ve never thought to make bread in my slow cooker. That’s kind of awesome - thanks so much for sharing!
    Elana @ The Inventive Vegetarian recently posted…Recipe ReDux: Slow Cooker Pumpkin ChiliMy Profile

  2. Serena
    October 22, 2023 at 11:10 pm #

    Oooo…I’m so glad you tried making bread! I’ve been wanting to make it in the slow cooker, but have been a bit frightened of the results. You give me confidence. I will try yours with rosemary since my rosemary bush is still going strong!
    Serena recently posted…Moroccan Slow Cooker Meatballs - The Recipe ReDuxMy Profile

  3. Dr Barb, Nutrition Budgeteer
    October 23, 2023 at 3:17 pm #

    Never thought to use my crockpot for breadmaking. I haven’t been a big user of crockpots, but after this month’s Recipe Redux, I’ll have to use it more often. it’s more versatile than I realized.

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