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We made lunch at home to save a little money. Produce is very cheap here and there is no option for conventionally grown vs organically grown. Why? Because most of it is not Organic. And although there are very few organic farms here in Spain, the movement is definitely rising. More on that later…

In any event, little produce markets lined the streets so we took advantage. On our poor man’s menu this time around is lentils with sauteed broccoli, peppers and onions, and pan seared plantains.
Simple. Sensibly priced. Tasty. Nutritious.


Lentils, Veggies & Plantains

1 cup lentils and 2 cups water for boiling
1 cup onion, chopped
1 cup bell pepper, chopped
1 head broccoli, florets and stems chopped
3 TBS olive oil
1 plantain, peeled, sliced into thin medallions
*If you like sweet plantains, buy one which has ripened (yelloe/brown); if you prefer starchy, unsweet plantains (more like a potato), buy a green, unripe one
Salt and pepper to taste
-Sauté 1/2 of the onion and bell pepper with 1 TBS oil in a large pot for about 5 minutes. Add the lentils with a hearty dash of salt and pepper; stir. Add the water and bring to a boil. Cook until lentils have absorbed all the water and are al dente. Set aside.
-Saute the remaining vegetables in 1 TBS oil over medium heat in a sauté pan for about 7 minutes. Set aside.
-Heat 1-2 TBS olive oil in large saute pan and add plaintain slices. Cook until golden brown on each side. Sprinkle a little salt on one side during cooking.
-Grab a plate and pile it on!
Nutrition Analysis for 1 cup lentils, 1 cup veggies and 1/2 plantain:
Calories: 386 Protein: 14g Carbohydrates: 52g Fat: 15g Saturated Fat: 2g Fiber: 14g



Plant based foods such as these were often thought of as peasant foods back in the day; it’s funny how much they’re praised today.

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