The Fresh Beet

Raspberry Filled Dark Chocolate Squares

By February 22, 2024 Recipe Box, Recipe Redux, Sweets & Treats

It’s that time of the month again. And no I don’t mean THAT time of the month. Although I do love me some chocolate during THAT time, I’m talking about Recipe Redux time. The healthy food blogger challenge when we’re given a topic and sent into our kitchens to see what we can come up with.

This month it’s all about chocolate and what we love to pair with it. Honestly, I love nothing more than enjoying a smooth piece of dark chocolate with a bold and spicy glass of red wine. It’s the ultimate pairing in my mind. But posting some photos of dark chocolate that someone else made can’t really be passed off as a recipe, now can it? So I’ll have to resort to my second favorite pairing with chocolate: raspberry.

I’ve pureed dates and raspberries and used them as a filling for smooth dark chocolate squares. Just 3 ingredients and a few simple steps. It doesn’t get easier than this.

And I can still enjoy it with a glass of red wine :)

Raspberry Filled Dark Chocolate

2-3oz bars of dark chocolate (I prefer 80% and up, but use whatever you like)

1 cup raspberries (I used frozen because they aren’t currently in season)

3 TBS honey

-Melt half your chocolate. I used a microwave to do this (it takes only 80 seconds) but you could also melt it in a pot on the stove. Be careful not to burn it!

-Line the bottom of an 8×8 baking dish/pan with parchment paper and pour the melted chocolate in. Be sure the chocolate is spread evenly across the bottom of the dish using either a rubber spatula or by tilting the dish back and forth. Place in refrigerator and let harden.

-Meanwhile, place raspberries and honey into food processor and puree.

-Once chocolate is cool, evenly spread raspberry mixture across chocolate.

-Melt remaining chocolate and pour over raspberry mixture allowing top chocolate coat to flow over the sides and meet the bottom chocolate. Place back into refrigerator and let harden.

-Once hard again, slice into squares and enjoy. They can get a little messy when you slice them so don’t be surprised if a little filling squirts out the sides here and there.

-Store in refrigerator.

Nutrition Notes:

*The darker the chocolate, the less sugar and milk it will have, and the more antioxidants it will contain. Shoot for a dark chocolate that has greater than 70% cacao for the best benefits.

*In addition to health-protecting antioxidants, raspberries contain a generous amount of vitamin C and fiber.

Check out some other divine chocolate pairings from other members of The Recipe Redux below!

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  • Reply Good good links #80 | Let's get living March 1, 2024 at 10:03 am

    […] Raspberry Filled Dark Chocolate via The Fresh Beet […]

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