The Fresh Beet | Charleston South Carolina Registered Dietitian

Video: How to Choose the Most Nutritious Peanut Butter

By February 2, 2024 The Grocery Guide

Hi Everyone! I’m excited to share my first video of The Grocery Guide, a video series dedicated to helping you make the most nutritious choices at the grocery store. With misleading label claims out the wazoo, it’s easy to get confused about which products to buy to ensure good health and prevent disease. Let me take the confusion out of grocery shopping for you so we can become a healthier nation.

Please comment with any questions or suggestions you have!

{I did not receive compensation to promote Smuckers. I advocate for any brand who produces a product with minimal ingredients such as peanuts and salt.}

VIDEO QUALITY: If your video looks blurry, click the settings button on the bottom right and select HD.


  1. What are your thoughts on almond butter?

Almond butter has a slightly different nutrient profile: still relatively high in magnesium but no B6, and has only 4g protein/serving (2 tablespoons) compared to peanut butter’s 8g/serving. Almonds contain manganese, a mineral required for bone development and wound healing, so there’s that. With all nut butters, you’ll still want to be weary about partially hydrogenated oils, added sugar, and palm oil. Read your ingredient label!

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1 Comment

  • Reply The Fresh Beet Grocery Guide: How To Choose Most Nutritious Peanut Butter | February 4, 2024 at 1:52 am

    […] THE FRESH BEET-Hi Everyone! I’m excited to share my first video of The Grocery Guide, a video series dedicated to helping you make the most nutritious choices at the grocery store. […]

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