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The enormous bunch of kale in the fridge has been calling my name for days. So tonight, kale is on the menu. As a nice hearty green, it maintains a relatively firm bite once cooked, while also lending some tenderness. He’s a friendly green, that kale - definitely my friend. He’s even friends with the sweet potato; both of which are excellent sources of vitamin A. The sweet potato gnocchi paired quite nicely with the kale tonight. I myself did not make the gnocchi from scratch, but someone from the local farmers market did!
Kale cooks down a bit - don’t be intimated by its ostentatious raw appearance…

Gnocchi and Kale

serves 2 happy people
1 bunch of kale, torn into peices
1 medium onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup raisins
1-2 tablespoons olive oil (I used a Persian Lime infused olive oil)
Splash of traditional balsamic vinegar
Splash of Sriracha
2 cups sweet potato gnocchi, boiled and drained as per directions (you typically want to boil in a large pot, giving them a little room to expand and to prevent them from sticking to each other)
2 oz feta cheese
Cilantro as a garnish
Cilantro and garlic: some of my favorite aromatics
  • Heat oil in a large saute pan over medium heat and add onion; cook until soft and slightly brown.
  • Add kale and balsamic, and cook down, about 3-4 minutes.
  • Lastly, add garlic, seeds, raisins and sriracha. Cook about 2-3 minutes longer, and set aside, covered.
  • Plate up! Place some gnocchi on a plate (1/2-1 cup is an appropriate portion size), drizzle with balsamic, and top with 1 oz of feta and a sprinkle of cilantro.
  • Add some kale and you’ve got yourself some dinner.
The sweetness of the gnocchi pairs nicely with the salty feta, and the cilantro gives it all a unique level of flavor. A drizzle of balsamic ties it all together; no extravagant sauce to be made. Just a simple yet high quality vinegar.
I love adding dried fruit and nuts/seeds to sauteed veggies. It makes them a little more hearty, enhances the amount of vitamins and minerals, and creates a variety of texture.
I love feeding this guy 🙂
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