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My Sweet Olivia, You Were Worth It All

My Sweet Olivia, You Were Worth It All

In a nutshell, I was wildly unprepared for child birth. But let's start with the good stuff, shall we? I had an amazing pregnancy. No morning sickness, no complications, stable blood pressures, weight gain was textbook healthy, continued rock climbing and practicing...

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Japan Travels Part 2 + Kyoto Travel Tips

Japan Travels Part 2 + Kyoto Travel Tips

~This is part two (Kyoto) of my favorite travel experiences in Japan. If you're new to The Fresh Beet, be sure to check out Part 1 -- Tokyo. If you really don't care what I have to say and just want to read the travel tips, scroll straight to the bottom.~ The...

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Japan Travels Part 1+ Tokyo Travel Tips

As many of you know, David and I just got married... We both knew that a relaxing honeymoon spent on a serene island with white sand and crystal clear water was just too, well, relaxing. We wanted to take advantage of this brief time away from the grind to explore...

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Dreamy Honey Mustard Vinaigrette

Growing up, honey mustard was my jam. French fries, sandwiches, chicken tenders, shrimp. I'd find anything to dip into honey mustard just so I could have the sauce. But during college, I took a honey mustard hiatus when I learned what was actually in the honey mustard...

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Ward Off Disease By Getting Your Weekly Anthocyanin Fix

Nutripedia is a series of posts designed to help you learn more about the importance of essential nutrients & how to easily incorporate them into your daily life. WHAT ARE THEY Anthocyanins are a group of compounds in the flavanoid family that give plants their...

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Asiago Peppercorn Dressing

This creamy, tangy dressing works wonders over crisp lettuces. It's a salad worth putting on your weekly eats list. I got a salad spinner for Christmas last year. There aren't too many things I hate more than wet lettuces in salad. The water displaces the dressing,...

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Wholesome Oatmeal Pancakes + Maple Peanut Butter Spread

{scroll through me!} These dense and hearty pancakes are full of oats, spelt flour, flax and sunflower seeds. Hello fiber! Instead of syrup, I used melted peanut butter mixed with maple syrup to balance out the otherwise high sugar content. I love having pancakes for...

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VIDEO: Basil Cashew Pesto Recipe + why it’s healthy

If you don't follow The Fresh Beet on Instagram or Facebook then you may have not seen one of our latest videos... Basil Cashew!🎥😜 we're on a ROLL over here 😂 #pestomonster #herbaceous #healthyfats #cookmore #eatright #realfood...

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Peach & Cherry Hand Pies with Ricotta, Basil and Lemon Zest

Summer fruits are the best fruits. Berries, stone fruit, watermelon. They're all so sweet and juicy and quenching. Perhaps the blistering heat and humidity make them all the more enjoyable. Either way, I am grateful. These little hand pies are perfect as an on the go...

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Guest Post: What it means to be a Dietitian

All views and opinions expressed on this blog post are purely and entirely my own and based on my own unique experiences My name is Erin and I am a current dietetic intern at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). I have been lucky enough to learn from so...

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How to Make an Unbelievably Delicious Kale Salad

A simple, nourishing and satisfying salad base. Massage kale leaves with lemon and salt, then lightly coat with a mustard vinaigrette. Add whatever toppings you like, although it is good enough to eat alone. Check out the video! Our good friends Joe and Piper came...

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