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Summer brings an abundance of beautiful fruit, peaches and berries being my fav. Tossed with a little gorgonzola, stuffed into a walnut-date tart and drizzled with honey, these bite sized tarts are a refreshing and tasty treat.

Tart Crust

Combine 8 oz dates, 2 cups walnuts and 2 TBS cinnamon into a food processor and process until crumbly. Using a mini cupcake baking pan, press the tart dough into each cupcake well, covering the bottom and the sides.

Bake at 400 for about 15 minutes. Remove to cool slightly.


Toss together and heat on medium for 3 minutes: 3 chopped ripe peaches, handful of chopped strawberries, 1 tsp vanilla.

Remove from heat and mix in 1/4 cup gorgonzola. Spoon filling into each tart and place back into oven for 5 minutes. Allow tarts to cool before removing from pans.

Sweet and tangy fruit pairs oh so lovely with the pungency of the gorgonzola.

Once removed, drizzle with a bit of honey…enjoy!

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