The Fresh Beet

Chai-Spiced Coconut Oatmeal with Toasted Hazelnuts

By November 18, 2023 Breakfast, Recipe Box
creamy coconut oatmeal

Creamy oatmeal cooked in concentrated chai tea and coconut milk, topped with toasted hazelnuts….

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Coconut Chai Oatmeal Worked 2 1024x680 Chai Spiced Coconut Oatmeal with Toasted Hazelnuts

The day I made this creamy, coconuty bowl of oats was a cold, dreary and rainy day. Not usually my preferred kind of day, but it was perfect for this heart and body warming dish.

Coconut Chai Oatmeal Worked1 1024x680 Chai Spiced Coconut Oatmeal with Toasted Hazelnuts

Have you ever had toasted hazelnuts? Holy cow they’re amazing. You’ve had nutella I’m sure; that delightful chocolate hazelnut spread. Well I know this is a stretch, but toasted hazelnuts taste and smell so much like nutella, it is almost as if you can taste nutella. David refuses to agree with me on this one, but I’m sticking to my guns.

Coconut Chai Oatmeal Worked 43 1024x680 Chai Spiced Coconut Oatmeal with Toasted Hazelnuts

Once the cold weather arrives, I go into hot tea mode and chai is one of my favorites. I love trying to incorporate it into dishes - like these Chai Spiced Carrot Muffins - or just drinking it as a latte with a little milk and honey. This time I brewed a concentrated bit of tea and cooked the oats in it.

With creamy coconut milk and crunchy toasted hazelnuts, this chai tea oatmeal is an experience to…

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Coconut Chai Oatmeal Worked 52 1024x680 Chai Spiced Coconut Oatmeal with Toasted Hazelnuts

Chai-Spiced Coconut Oatmeal with Toasted Hazelnuts

Serves 1

1/2 cup rolled oats

1/4 cup raisins

1/2 cup chai tea (1 tea bag or 2 TBS of loose leaf chai tea steeped in 1/2 cup hot water)

1/4 cup coconut milk

1 tsp cinnamon

Handful of toasted hazelnuts (toasting directions below)

Honey or pure maple syrup (if using sweetener)

  • Place oats and cinnamon in sauce pot and cook over medium heat for 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly. Lightly toasting your oats before adding liquid brings out a stronger oat flavor.
  • Add tea, raisins and coconut milk. Turn heat down to medium-low and cover; stir periodically.
  • Toasted hazelnuts: I prefer to toast them in a saute pan on the stove over medium heat, frequently shaking the pan so not to burn their sides (ouch!). This ususally takes no longer than 7 minutes.
    • You could also place them on a foil lined baking sheet and bake at 300 degrees for 7-10 minutes.
  • When oatmeal is done, pour into bowl and top with a bit more coconut milk and a little honey (if using). Sprinkle on some hazelnuts and viola!


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  • Reply Melanie November 18, 2023 at 4:31 pm

    Hi again.I really love the idea of this! I cant do the hazelnuts, cause braces but certainly can incorporate everything else. Was wondering though, are you able to provide a diy homemade chai tea recipe? Im not fond of store bought tea and love using herbs to make custom tea blends. Oh and did i mention, I LOVE, LOVE LOVE THE PUMPKIN PEANUT BUTTER DIP! YUm :):)

    • Reply Ashley M Galloway November 21, 2023 at 1:00 pm

      Hi Melanie! Finding a great chai blend is hard, I agree. The Kitchn has a great article on making your own at home. Let me know how this works out for you.

      And SO glad you’re still enjoying the pumpkin dip! Also glad to see that I’m not the only one obsessed with it ;)

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