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Apples and squash marry beautifully in this soup topped with slightly salty goat cheese, crunchy pepitas and sweet grape must. I could eat several bowls of this velvety squash slosh. It’s great as a starter to a meal, or as a meal itself, paired with a nice salad and crusty bread.

To keep it smooth and velvety, peel your apples before caramelizing As much as I hate to eliminate the most nutritious aspect of the apple, there’s just no place for peels here. Rather than trashing composting them, eat them! You heard right. Snack on them while making this soup.

I used 2 fuji for sweetness and 1 granny smith for a little tartness. Browning the apples in a pot before adding the squash really releases their sugars, creating a nice caramelized outside.
This vitamin A packed soup is healthy, delicious and will surely warm your bones this fall…
Ingredients + Directions
1 whole butternut squash, roasted, chopped
1 small acorn squash, roasted, chopped
2 fuji apples + 1 granny smith, chopped
1 1/2 cup vegetable stock
2 tablespoons freshly grated ginger
olive oil
1 tablespoon tumeric
salt and pepper
Garnish with:
Goat cheese
Grape Must*
Saute apples in large pot over medium heat with a tablespoon of olive oil until lightly brown (aka - caramelization), about 20-25 minutes.
Add vegetable stock to deglaze. Try to loosen the brown bits stuck on the bottom of the pot - there’s great flavor here!
Add in squash, lightly season with salt and pepper, and cook about 5 minutes more, stirring constantly.
Add remaining stock, ginger, and tumeric. Simmer for about 10 minutes more.
Puree it up! I love using my emulsion blender, but a regular blender works just as well.
Serve hot and garnish.
*Grape Must: Must is made by pressing the juice out of fermented grapes, creating a thick and concentrated sweet juice. It’s great for garnishing all kinds of dishes.
Get some and experiment!
Happy musting 🙂
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