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This Week’s CSA Box + What To Do With It All?!

Last week, David and I signed up for out first CSA (community supported agriculture) subscription since moving to Charleston and I couldn’t be more excited. I didn’t realize how many CSA programs existed in Charleston and I didn’t really know how to...

Brie, nectarine & arugula quesadilla

I love me a gooey, cheesy quesadilla. DT is the Quesadilla King (you should see his double decker special) around here; if it weren’t for him, there would be a drastic decline in quesadilla production in the Galloway-Thomas household. Our go-to fillings...

The Mighty Mung Bean

Just when I thought I was a Master of the Bean - along comes Mr. Mung, a small, oval-shaped bean native to India and cultivated in several surrounding countries. So what’s so mighty about the Mung you ask? One cup provides: 15g fiber. Do you realize how...

Summer Bean Salad

Today I needed a quick lunch and I had a couple summer veggies lounging around that needed to be used up. Nothing is quicker than doing a rough chop through some onions and tomatoes and tossing them with some beans and herbs. A touch of citrus ties this summer bean...

Quinoa Salad In A Jar

The Recipe Redux strikes again! My last few posts have been dedicated to the Recipe Redux Avocado Contest, which has kept me happily busy in the kitchen creating things like chocolate pudding and avocado crab salad. But now it is time to make a little something for...